The Reporting and Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews Underpinning Clinical Practice Guidelines Focused on the Management of Cutaneous Melanoma: Cross-Sectional Analysis

Ref ID 1030
First Author M. Khalid
Year Of Publishing 2023
Keywords Cochrane
Non-Cochrane reviews
Low methodological quality
Problem(s) Cochrane reviews more rigorous/higher quality than non-Cochrane reviews
Low methodological (AMSTAR) quality
Number of systematic reviews included 50
Summary of Findings The majority of SRs (19/50, 53%) were of critically low methodological quality assessed using AMSTAR 2, with no SRs being appraised as high quality. There was a statistically significant association (P<.001) between AMSTAR and PRISMA checklists. Of the total 50 SRs, 4 (8%) were Cochrane reviews. Cochrane SRs had a mean PRISMA completion of 84.7% (SD 2.1%) compared to 64.9% (SD 11.5%) among non-Cochrane studies. Cochrane SRs also had a higher mean AMSTAR completion (mean 86.8%, SD 4.9%) compared to non-Cochrane SRs (mean 40.0%, SD 15.1%).
Did the article find that the problem(s) led to qualitative changes in interpretation of the results? Not Applicable
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