This problem is not addressed in any checklist or guideline. Best practice systematic reviews are formulaic and intensive processes which can take a lot of time and resources to produce and publish.
Articles that support this problem:
Analysis of the time and workers needed to conduct systematic reviews of medical interventions using data from the PROSPERO registry
2017 : Bmj open
Systematic reviews can be produced and published faster
2008 : Journal of clinical epidemiology
Half of Cochrane reviews were published more than two years after the protocol
2020 : Journal of clinical epidemiology
How quickly do systematic reviews go out of date? A survival analysis
2007 : Annals of internal medicine
Following Cochrane review protocols to completion 10 years later: a retrospective cohort study and author survey
2019 : Journal of clinical epidemiology
Systematic reviews with published protocols compared to those without: more effort, older search
2018 : Journal of clinical epidemiology
Group authorships in Cochrane had low compliance with Cochrane recommendations
2020 : Journal of evidence-based medicine
Factors predicting completion and time to publication of Cochrane reviews
2009 : Open medicine