- Framework of problems / Objective
- Unpublished or "zombie" reviews (the file-drawer effect)
- The fate of urological systematic reviews registered in PROSPERO
Ref ID | 34 |
First Author | S. Khaleel |
Year Of Publishing | 2019 |
URL | https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s00345-019-03032-x.pdf |
Keywords |
Protocols Multiplicity Open data Heterogeneity Urology Single reviewer |
Problem(s) |
Undocumented or unjustified deviations to the review protocol Multiplicity of outcomes and lack of pre-specification for outcome reporting Inadequate analysis of heterogeneity Unplanned or unjustified subgroup or sensitivity analyses Single reviewer / lack of double checking Unpublished or "zombie" reviews (the file-drawer effect) |
Number of systematic reviews included | 576 |
Summary of Findings | Of the 576 registered urologic systematic reviews, 225 (39.1%) had corresponding full-text publications. Of these, only 40 (17.7%) had updated their PROSPERO entry to indicate review publication. Little over half of published reviews (52.7%) explicitly stated primary outcome(s) that matched the primary outcome of their corresponding PROSPERO protocol. 25.9% failed to define any primary endpoint(s). A majority (82.4%) of protocol authors indicated the intent of performing the literature screening process in duplicate; of these, 91.8% actually did so in the full-text publication. Roughly half (53.2%) of reviews planned to evaluate heterogeneity based on their protocol. Of these, only 57.0% assessed heterogeneity in their final product. Only a third (34.3%) of the protocols had specified whether they intended to perform a subgroup analysis, and less than half of these protocols (45.2%) were concordant with their planned protocol in this regard. |
Did the article find that the problem(s) led to qualitative changes in interpretation of the results? | Not Applicable |
Are the methods of the article described in enough detail to replicate the study? | No |