Systematic reviews do not adequately report or address missing outcome data in their analyses: a methodological survey

Ref ID 359
First Author L. A. Kahale
Year Of Publishing 2018
Keywords Cochrane
Missing data
General medical
Problem(s) Failure to address missing outcome data in analyses
Number of systematic reviews included 100
Summary of Findings Whilst 42 of 100 systematic reviews reported on at least one of the 10 predefined categories of missing outcome data, only 19 reported plans for handling missing outcome data in their analyses. Although 87 reviews addressed risk of bias associated with missing outcome data at the trial level, only nine reported conducting sensitivity analysis as a way to judge risk of bias associated with missing outcome data at the level of the meta-analysis. Of these, only five reported the results of their analysis.
Did the article find that the problem(s) led to qualitative changes in interpretation of the results? Not Applicable
Are the methods of the article described in enough detail to replicate the study? Yes