Data extraction methods: an analysis of internal reporting discrepancies in single manuscripts and practical advice

Ref ID 371
First Author L. Puljak
Year Of Publishing 2020
Keywords Abstract / summary
General medical
Single reviewer
Problem(s) Data extraction errors and double counting
Single reviewer / lack of double checking
Number of systematic reviews included 2
Summary of Findings The authors highlight possible types of internal reporting discrepancies which include: Abstract-text discrepancies (Discrepancies between the abstract and the full-text of a manuscript); Within-the-full-text discrepancies (Discrepancies in different parts of the body of a manuscript); Text-figure discrepancies (Discrepancies between a figure and the full-text of a manuscript); Text-table discrepancies (Discrepancies between a table and the full text of a manuscript); Multiple discrepancies (Discrepancies in multiple sections of the same manuscript). The authors provide a series of recommendations to help mitigate discrepancies including use of two systematic review authors conducting data extraction independently.
Did the article find that the problem(s) led to qualitative changes in interpretation of the results? Not Applicable
Are the methods of the article described in enough detail to replicate the study?