A new classification of spin in systematic reviews and meta-analyses was developed and ranked according to the severity

Ref ID 396
First Author A. Yavchitz
Year Of Publishing 2016
URL https://www.jclinepi.com/article/S0895-4356(16)00057-3/fulltext
Keywords Abstract / summary
General medical
Problem(s) Spin or subjective interpretation of findings
Number of systematic reviews included 1
Summary of Findings 13 types of spin specific to the systematic review design were identified. Spin was classified into three categories: (1) misleading reporting, (2) misleading interpretation, and (3) inappropriate extrapolation. Spin ranked as the most severe by the 122 people who participated in the survey were (1) recommendations for clinical practice not supported by findings in the conclusion, (2) misleading title, and (3) selective reporting.
Did the article find that the problem(s) led to qualitative changes in interpretation of the results? Not Applicable
Are the methods of the article described in enough detail to replicate the study? No