Tai Chi and Parkinson's disease (PD): A systematic overview of the scientific quality of the past systematic reviews

Ref ID 44
First Author K. K. Kedzior
Year Of Publishing 2019
URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0965229919302729?via%3Dihub
Keywords Reproducibility
Complimentary & Alternative
Low reporting quality
Overlapping reviews/redundancy
Problem(s) No registered or published protocol
Methods not described to enable replication
Reasons for excluding potentially eligible studies not provided
Incorrect interpretation or statistical inference error from meta-analysis
Conflicts of interest or funding of included studies not assessed
Low reporting (PRISMA) quality
Low methodological (AMSTAR) quality
Redundant / overlapping / duplicated review question; leads to research waste
Number of systematic reviews included 10
Summary of Findings Limitations of the ten included systematic reviews of Tai Chi for Parkinson's Disease were the high overlap in the primary data and the lack of either the review protocol, the list of excluded studies or the conflict of interest statement in the primary studies. The critical problems were that the qualitative data synthesis relied on the statistical significance of results in the primary studies with small sample sizes and that the computational details of meta-analysis were inadequately reported.
Did the article find that the problem(s) led to qualitative changes in interpretation of the results? Not Applicable
Are the methods of the article described in enough detail to replicate the study? Yes