- Framework of problems / Objective
- Literature searches not validated by information specialist
- Librarian Co-Authored Systematic Reviews are Associated with Lower Risk of Bias Compared to Systematic Reviews with Acknowledgement of Librarians or No Participation by Librarians
Ref ID | 476 |
First Author | M. Aamodt |
Year Of Publishing | 2019 |
URL | https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Librarian-Co-Authored-Systematic-Reviews-are-with-Aamodt-Huurdeman/b026f7c69a611af4e1c9608b79c43f0249c21fb1 |
Keywords |
Expertise General medical Searching |
Problem(s) |
Literature searches not validated by information specialist |
Number of systematic reviews included | 324 |
Summary of Findings | 1.23% of included reviews had librarian co-authors. 26.23% of reviews acknowledged or mentioned librarians in the methods section. In the remaining 72.53% of systematic reviews, there was no clear evidence that a librarian had been involved. The authors conclude that librarian co-authored systematic reviews were associated with lower risk of bias [*no statistical significance testing*] compared to systematic reviews with acknowledgement or no participation by librarians. |
Did the article find that the problem(s) led to qualitative changes in interpretation of the results? | Not Applicable |
Are the methods of the article described in enough detail to replicate the study? | Yes |