Blinded by PRISMA: are systematic reviewers focusing on PRISMA and ignoring other guidelines?

Ref ID 557
First Author P. S. Fleming
Journal PLOS ONE
Year Of Publishing 2014
Keywords Expertise
General medical
Problem(s) Following guidelines is no guarantee of a rigorous systematic review
Low reporting or methodological quality (OTHER GUIDANCE)
Number of systematic reviews included 701
Summary of Findings The guideline most frequently omitted within the subset of SRs citing only PRISMA was MOOSE, with 236/284 (83%) of epidemiologic reviews citing the latter guidelines, in isolation. Similarly, in SRs of diagnostic tests 23/57 (40%) cited PRISMA without referring to either QUADAS or QUADAS-2. In a multivariable analysis, medical field of publication and methodologist involvement were significant predictors of appropriate use of guidelines
Did the article find that the problem(s) led to qualitative changes in interpretation of the results? Not Applicable
Are the methods of the article described in enough detail to replicate the study? Yes