The method quality of cross-over studies involved in Cochrane Systematic Reviews

Ref ID 676
First Author H. Ding
Journal PLOS ONE
Year Of Publishing 2015
Keywords Cochrane
Risk of bias
General medical
Problem(s) Flawed risk of bias undertaken
Number of systematic reviews included 60
Summary of Findings None of the included reviews undertook a risk of bias assessment specific for the included cross-over studies. Items specific for cross-over studies were seldom considered anywhere in quality assessment of the reviews. When the authors reassessed the risk of bias, including 3 items specific to cross-over trials, a low risk of bias was judged for appropriate cross-over design in 79%, carry-over effects in 34% and for reporting data in all stages of the trial in 82%.
Did the article find that the problem(s) led to qualitative changes in interpretation of the results? Not Applicable
Are the methods of the article described in enough detail to replicate the study? Yes