Comment on "A systematic review of trials investigating the efficacy of exercise training for functional capacity and quality of life in chronic kidney disease patients"

Ref ID 875
First Author L. Huang
Year Of Publishing 2022
Keywords Reproducibility
Missing data
Non-Cochrane reviews
Problem(s) Methods not described to enable replication
Insufficient literature searches
Errors in study inclusion or omission of relevant studies
Number of systematic reviews included 1
Summary of Findings From a letter raising concerns in the conduct of a systematic review of the efficacy of exercise training on functional capacity and quality of life in patients with chronic kidney disease published in 2022. The systematic review used a very specific search term to represent the patient population which may have resulted in missing some relevant studies highlighted as potentially relevant by the letter authors. Furthermore, the authors highlight that there was no description of statistical analysis in the Methods section and that there were zero studies in the meta-analysis but studies are pooled.
Did the article find that the problem(s) led to qualitative changes in interpretation of the results? Not Applicable
Are the methods of the article described in enough detail to replicate the study?