Adherence to the PRISMA statement and its association with risk of bias in systematic reviews published in rehabilitation journals: A meta-research study

Ref ID 877
First Author T. Innocenti
Year Of Publishing 2022
Keywords Protocols
Risk of bias
Low reporting quality
Non-Cochrane reviews
Problem(s) No registered or published protocol
Risk of bias not incorporated into conclusions of review
Funding or sponsor of systematic review not reported
Low reporting (PRISMA) quality
Number of systematic reviews included 200
Summary of Findings From 200 included systematic reviews randomly sampled from rehabilitation journals between 2011 and 2020 indexed under the “rehabilitation” category in the InCites database. The mean overall PRISMA adherence across the 200 included reviews was 61.4%. Regression analyses show that having a high overall risk of bias was a significant predictor of lower adherence (B=-7.1%; 95%CI -12.1, -2.0). Studies published in fourth quartile journals displayed a lower overall adherence (B= -7.2%; 95%CI -13.2, -1.3) than those published in first quartile journals; the overall adherence increased (B= 11.9%; 95%CI 5.9, 18.0) if the systematic review protocol was registered.
Did the article find that the problem(s) led to qualitative changes in interpretation of the results? Not Applicable
Are the methods of the article described in enough detail to replicate the study? Yes