Literature searches not validated by information specialist

This problem is addressed in MECIR. Searching medical electronic bibliographic databases is a science in itself and consultation with an information specialist can ensure that the literature search strategy is sufficient and also appropriately translated across databases.

Articles that support this problem:

Impact of librarians on reporting of the literature searching component of pediatric systematic reviews

2016 : Journal of the medical library association: jmla

Librarian co-authors correlated with higher quality reported search strategies in general internal medicine systematic reviews

2015 : Journal of clinical epidemiology

Librarian Co-Authored Systematic Reviews are Associated with Lower Risk of Bias Compared to Systematic Reviews with Acknowledgement of Librarians or No Participation by Librarians

2019 : Evidence based library and information practice

Reporting of the role of the expert searcher in Cochrane Reviews

2006 : Evidence based library and information practice

Use of recommended search strategies in systematic reviews and the impact of librarian involvement: a cross-sectional survey of recent authors

2015 : Plos one

Reporting quality of search methods in systematic reviews of HIV behavioral interventions (2000–2010): are the searches clearly explained, systematic and reproducible?

2014 : Research synthesis methods

The effect of librarian involvement on the quality of systematic reviews in dental medicine

2021 : Plos one [electronic resource]

An overview of the characteristics and methodological standards across systematic reviews with Meta-analysis of efficacy/effectiveness of influenza antiviral drugs

2022 : Current medical research & opinion

Characteristics and methodological standards across systematic reviews with Meta-analysis of efficacy and/or effectiveness of influenza vaccines: an overview of reviews

2022 : Infectious diseases

The case of the disappearing librarians: analyzing documentation of librarians' contributions to systematic reviews

2022 : Journal of the medical library association

Adherence to systematic review standards: Impact of librarian involvement in Campbell Collaboration's education reviews

2022 : The journal of academic librarianship