Conclusions in systematic reviews of mammography for breast cancer screening and associations with review design and author characteristics

Ref ID 535
First Author S. Raichand
Year Of Publishing 2017
Keywords Allegiance
Problem(s) Financial conflicts of interest of review authors
Non-financial conflicts of interest of review authors
Number of systematic reviews included 50
Summary of Findings 42% of conclusions were graded as favourable. Among conclusions produced by clinicians, 63% were graded as favourable compared to 32% from other authors. In the 50–69 age group where the largest proportion of systematic reviews were focused, conclusions drawn by authors without financial competing interests and non-clinicians were significantly less likely to be graded as favourable.
Did the article find that the problem(s) led to qualitative changes in interpretation of the results? Yes
Are the methods of the article described in enough detail to replicate the study? Yes