Side effects are incompletely reported among systematic reviews in gastroenterology

Ref ID 696
First Author S.E. Mahady
Year Of Publishing 2015
Keywords Harms
Problem(s) Selective reporting of harms / safety / adverse events / side effects
Number of systematic reviews included 78
Summary of Findings One in three systematic reviews (33%) did not refer to harms of the intervention anywhere in the article. Less than half of the studies included adverse events as an outcome measure, and data on absolute rates of adverse events were only provided in 28%. Most (65%) did not include any figures or tables on adverse event; however, all included these on efficacy outcomes. Regression analyses indicated that the use of reporting guidelines was associated with better harms reporting
Did the article find that the problem(s) led to qualitative changes in interpretation of the results? Not Applicable
Are the methods of the article described in enough detail to replicate the study? Yes